Office Rijeka
Pilepčić 10, 51215 Kastav
Phone.: +385 (0)51 687 500
Fax.: +385 (0)51 687 501
Office Zagreb
Horvaćanska cesta 17a, 10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 (0)1 364 01 89
Fax.: +385 (0)1 364 01 89
Name: RIS d.o.o.
Head Office: Kastav, Pilepčić 10
Accont number: HR4323600001101315189 open in Zagrebačka banka d.d.
Company registered at the Commercial Court in Rijeka under the number Tt-95 / 9478-4
MBS: 040068316
OIB: 77917801452
The initial capital amounts to 44,600.00 HRK, entirely paid.
Chairman of the Board:
Pavlić M.
Board members:
Zamlić I.
Golem M.